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  • GirlyEngine (GIE)

New Spotify Playlist: WIP 2019

Dear Readers,

If you're anything like me, you're all about the music. Whether you're writing, working out, getting work done, or just hanging out, the right soundtrack can make all the difference!

With the launch of CIRCUIT FAE 4: NEMESIS on September 10, I'm gearing up to share some of my very best playlists for all my projects.

The project I'm the most excited for is my new work-in-progress (WIP) for book one of the series to follow CIRCUIT FAE. It's so fresh and shiny new, I don't even have a working title for it yet.

What I can tell you is that it's going to have witches and dragons in it.

And a very slow-burn enemies-to-lovers lesbian romance.

Here's a few of the songs I've been listening to while outlining, brainstorming, and prepping my zero draft.

I hope you like my new WIP_2019 Playlist!




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